
Firmware and Software Downloads

The above software downloads are all free except for where a license key is requested. Always make backup of your unit before you upgrade and install optional license keys as instructed in order to avoid broken software. If you are in doubt contact us before you do anything.

Note. From March 2019 all firmware updates and software upgrades will only be available through the Online updater and subject to a one-time assignment fee of EUR 100.

Download the DKMeter-Online Purchase Aassigment fee EUR 100

Options available for the DKT7

The DKT7 is loaded with a lot of optional software as standard. All units share the hardware platform and the different models are built from bundled sets of licence keys. Therefore you can always add functionality to your existing unit. The procedure for installing a licence is simple. Order a key at kh@hansens.dk including your serial number and VAT number. We will invoice you and upon receipt payment we will issue the license key including instructions how to activate. No external computer is required for the activation.

Offer. Get all keys for EU 500

Multi Loudness Image


Watch the introduction movie here

This option enables simultaneous reading of up-to four loudness and true-peak sets. Display of multiple surround sound and stereo sets at the same time.


Loudness Automation Image

Loudness Automation

Watch the Loudness Automation movie here

Compliance mixing is a time consuming task. This option removes the boring redundant re-doing-the-job during the mixing process. Upto 4 hours of mixing!


MADI YouTube Movie

MADI Option

Watch the MADI setup movie here

Turn the SD Input into a 64 channel MADI interface. No additional hardware required just install the license key. Perfect together with the ATMOS option or as a multi-channel MADI analyser.


ATMOS YouTube Movie

ATMOS Surround

Watch the IBC 2017 movie here

See the audio in the 3D space. Show up-to 64 MADI channels and display in a three level SuperStarFish including the perceived loudness. A must for ATMOS mixers and QC monitoring.

Order: ATMOS

LipSync Screen Dump

LipSync Measurement

Watch LipSync Part 1 movie here

Measure the timing between audio and video on cameras, players and installations. Before you start watch the movies to learn about the pitfalls and traps in this discipline.


Waveform Basic

Waveform Basic

Turn your DKT7M++ into a 3G audio and video analyser in a few seconds. The function is preinstalled on your unit waiting for you to wake it up. Chose this option if your need is basic and upgrade later should you need more functionality.


Waveform Extended

Waveform Extended

Upgrade the basic waveform monitoring with test functionality and line selection, frame display and more..


Administrator Folder

Administrator Tools

A must have option. Allows the use of a USB memory stick for the maintenance of your unit. Copy/paste of presets, cloning, updates, dynamic license key control and much more...